Expand knowledge and proficiency in using operational blocks, including arithmetic operations, to solve complex problems in Scratch.
Apply programming logic concepts using truth tables to make logical decisions within Scratch programs, enhancing problem-solving skills and logical thinking.
Create interactive Scratch applications by incorporating user input through the Ask and Answer blocks, fostering dynamic interactions and user engagement.
Utilize the Webcam tool in Scratch, exploring motion and mathematics concepts, while employing nested conditionals to create intricate and sophisticated applications.
Apply programming logic to AI concepts, discovering possibilities for creating AI-powered projects and gaining insights into implementing a chatbot using AI techniques within Scratch.
Develop problem-solving strategies, enhance efficiency, and approach problems from different perspectives by building upon previous knowledge and experiences.Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: Acquire foundational knowledge about AI, understanding its applications and exploring the implementation of a chatbot.
Learn the fundamentals of creating platformer games, including character movement, level design, and animation, while incorporating game design principles for an enhanced user experience.