Slices: Extract specific portions of a list using slice notation.
Negative Indices: Access elements from the end of a list using negative indices.
In and Not In Operators: Check for the presence or absence of an element in a list.
Simple Programs: Solve programming challenges using lists.
Nested Lists: Create and use lists within lists.
Two-Dimensional Arrays: Represent tabular data and grids with nested lists.
Advanced List Applications: Solve complex problems and handle multidimensional data structures.
Functions: Organize and reuse code by defining and calling functions.
Parametrized Functions: Accept input parameters for more flexibility and reusability.
Keyword Argument Passing: Pass arguments to functions based on their names.
Returning Results: Use the "return" instruction to send computed results back to the caller.
Scope: Understand local and global variable accessibility within functions.
Multi-Parameter Functions: Create functions that accept multiple parameters.
Recursion: Use recursive functions to solve problems by calling themselves.
Tuples: Understand the characteristics and usage of immutable sequences.
Dictionaries: Store and retrieve key-value pairs efficiently.
Exceptions: Handle errors and unexpected situations in code.
Testing: Verify code functionality and improve reliability through testing techniques.